Thursday, December 31, 2009

hmm. still kinda sleeepy... eyelids are heavy. wonder is there a way to like make them lighter besides sleeping more.

came back from chalet around 1plus or 12. cant remember. thanks goodness i remembered to buy hamster food for my little kids at home. well there was a particular hamster that din't drink nor eat since tuesday and im pretty glad his still alive.. of cos his still cute like a hamster.
when i found him, he looked pretty screwd up like he got raped or something. the fur were in total mess and ya, he was sleeping on a shoe... well at least no 1 died during my absence. hahas.

when we came back, we took bus 88 back to bishan. was long and slow and romantic. well the romantic part is only for a stupid retard. he was tired and slept. that i can understand on the bus. but the thing is. he. actually freaking hug the piglet that is in pink colour throughout the whole time while sleeping? so do picture this..
a guy wearing a white hoody sleeping on a bus with a piglet in his hands(not arms hor). my feeling was like, *****************???!!! well obviously you can sort of guess whats the *** means.

chalet was fun. first day was kinda homo. cos i din't slept well before going for the chalet. so i ended up freaking tired, lying on the bed, pretending to be alive when im dead in actual fact. i must say that sleeping in chalet is definitely different from home. cos you might get raped anytime. the reason? you don wanna fetch your friend cos you're 2 tired. .... ....

Monday, December 28, 2009

downloading songs. then ask sean tan(you should know who the heck is this guy) to offer some suggestions then he gave me a list of them when i don't like most of them. stupid baka isn't him?

then here's the part. he sent me leona lewis and blake lewis together.
i asked him," is blake lewis leona lewis brother?" he said "no. leona lewis is from x-factor blake lewis is from american idol. one does ballard while the other beat-box." i was like. like i care... then i said, "both are black americans right?" then he scolded blake lewis by saying,"no. blake lewis is super white." well if you are a hokkien you try convert super white directly into chinese and you get the meaning.

sean is definitely an ass don't you think?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

hmm.. just watched a really funny stupid show that has no meaning behind it at all. wait there is. well its rather stupid too. at least it has 1. i remembered shakespeare once said.. little meaning doesn't mean no meaning. so this sentence which i came up with has just successfully infiltrated the system and finally got a meaning behind it.

what a noble thing i had done for man kind.. maybe they should just create a statue of me or something. though i prefer having a real mask rider belt.

well that day, dunno when, quite long ago. wait its not . its just a few days ago.
went to friend house. and he got 20+ over different mask rider belt. i estimated that he spent over 1.4k on them. and he told me this. " i only got 20plus sia, so little' then i replied him surprisingly shocked saying," 20plus? ya lor should have 100plus cos the decade movie got so many riders"
again i just bullshyted, meaning im just making things up. whats wrong with me? nothing's wrong.

hmm i just realized that if there's nothing wrong with a person's life, it would be an disaster wouldn't it? and i realized another thing. i wanted to type something different. very different. or maybe not. for this post and i wanted to say i afk awhile to think about what i wanted to post then i ended up typing so much already.

guess this is where a saying from shakespeare comes in,"some things.. are better to not know." well if you noticed all the stuff i shakespeared about are bull.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

life hasn't been smooth cause it was all the long like that?

nope that sentence is wrong. life was once smooth, filled with joy, happiness, ignorance, safe and whatever there is in a so called 'smooth life'. now its all just deception, lies and other stuff which apparently i can't think of.

these words that you just read are not random , for everyday you see them. just that you subconsciously avoided them, denied their existence or even lived with it as though its not your fault.

so here's another interesting question about the lord jesus christ.
if GOD so love the world and us, why didn't he send his beloved son again to save us until doomsday? so he wanna see our pathetic faces filled with guilt and other rubbish?

the thing is. i don't really care so i'm just randomly typing. cos apparently quite alot of INNOCENT people died in natural disaster.

and here's the main dish of the meal! you know why hamsters so cute?
well its mainly because of the tiny size. you will definitely not say a hamster that is 10foot long and 200kg heavy cute right? so apparently japanese understood this theory so they have this word called 'kawaii' which means cute AND small/tiny. i guess the japs are smart afterall.

Friday, December 11, 2009

woah this is my 201 posts already and i dint realise it. time really flies doesn't it? i can already imagine if time was represented by a clock then it fly through every cities and countries and continents over and over again just to fufill its sad destiny, which is allowing time to be slow and steady but with no one but itself. i guess its pretty difficult to be a selfless hero like time. wonder has this clock been flying since time started.

so ironic. for me it is.

hmm these few days i've been wasting my life and time and watever there is in my life. i guess staying at home wasn't the idea of holiday at all. if it is, i won't be so bored to the extent that im blogging. hahas.. actually it ain't funny at all, just wanna type that.

kind of think about it now, how many people meant what they shoot out of their mouth? i bet its our human instinct to lie all the time. maybe god made us all hypocrites. hmm.. maybe.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

hais so hungry but nothing to eat. these few days keep eating maggi so i think i probably should really start eating some healthy food already.. but the only healthy food i can think of is sandwiches and salads so yeah.. screw the idea of eating healthy food.

Monday, December 7, 2009

today went for the philharmonic winds and natant or watever the band name is concert. its was a thai band. me and unagi was debating who was better in terms of skill until they played the guzheng-like instrument and the er hu-like instrument. cos it sounded so not modern so yeah... they cant really be compared with....... what a waste of breathe... and saliva.

wonder if this is what they call, think before you speak.

the overall performance for the concert was not bad, though it cant be compared to nakamura girls. they totally rocked man. this time im not wasting my time and energy comparing or rather i am wasting my time comparing.. ZZZzzz. cos nakamura girls are just too good..
damn.. gotta think before i type my next sentence...

tthen l8r i went with unagi to sit swing then we counted stars. at first , there were 8 i think, then 13, 15, 22, 31, 40!!! they just slowly shine brighter and brighter like they were fighting to see who shine brighter. well the 33th 1 won i guess, cos it really shines. when i say shines, it really means shines like a sun. though it cant really shine like a sun. and although sun is after all a star., it still din't and cant shine like the sun... weird...

everything seems so weird now, maybe i should just go watch some animes to refresh my mind instead. btw vampire diaries rox!! go watch!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

wah din't know my blog so popular... guess its tough being so popular man... is this God's punishment on me being so good to others? popularity my punishment? hais... weird punishment..

btw lets get to the main part already. today. morning. had fun with computer games. during the game, a baka gal called ee leng msg me this, your instrument got problem com down now. i cant believed i actually believed it even for a moment. actually i din't really believed her so i smsed back that i checked before and its working fine. she insisted on me going back to school, stating that the sensei is furious.

i.. i... this is the main part of the story.... and the thing which im trying to say is that.. NEVER EVER MEVER TEVER CEVER EVER EVER trust non-hamsters lovers. cos all they wanna do is to... cheat your feelings.. like how they did to mine..

so here's the most exciting part of the whole thing. i mustered up my courage and confronted all fears that opposes me and open the door and stepped into the auditorium. the feeling those bakas give me was like.. " you freaking jackass!" i .. i...... was speechless.... i was totally overwhelmed by my trust towards them .. arghh!!!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

BAKA HAMSTERS..wasted 50 mins of my life just like that. went missing for 2 days and was hiding behind a cabinet which i thought they wouldn't cos it seems impossible. well never ever under estimate hamsters man. the moment i put that bastard in the cage it came out the next second and i finally know how the heck they climb out. cos its only 1 month plus old it could get out from the front door. so to it, the front door is always open. zzzzz.. really this time they outsmart me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

bloody CHIBIS. they freaking cancelled out TERMINATOR : SARAH CONNER CHRONICLES season 3!! screw those freaking bastards man. they made third season so freaking exciting and awesome and now what? you gonna tell me that there ain't a freaking third season??????!!!!! don screw around with real fans here man.

FINALLY when i get to see kyle reese ALIVE after the first freaking movie and now you gonna kill him by cancelling the freeaking season out. and that cameron, she's finally acting as a human and now you gonna make every1 think thats she is just a freaking machine! URGHHHH!.

right now i could really kill someone. if God exist, i have only a favor now and that is, stop freaking making people trying to kill fans like me man. good shows like this suppose to be maintained and carry on producing more. right now in this industry, there's more quantity when actually what we want is quality. freaking jackass hope you guys seriously burn in hell for eternity.

so much for the part where there will be rewards for those who does great stuff. all im see-ing now is just bull, total bull.

Friday, November 27, 2009

HK was awesome, i mean totally awesome. especially the freaking cold weather there. i ad to wear 4 freaking layers just to feel warm but not warm enough. plus there wasn't a water heater so i practically bathe for less than a minute each time. it was so cold that i cant even feel myself being dirty like in singapore. so much things to write.. hmm

oh yeah the reflection part was okay too. we all had to write 2 reflections, 1 is our pathetic performance mainly because of me(NOT, MUST BLAME MYSELF) and the other 1 for being 30min late mainly becasue of me not wearing sports shoes. im such an asshole. wahaha. but th3e performance was really JIALATZ. but what do you exp3ct from our band? a band that got silver for SYF by luck and a band that slacks like SIAOZZ~ anyway we improve everytime we play at Hk so i don really feel guilty.

Disneyland was another awesome day. we started off at the entrance at around 11 or 12 i guess then we spend like 9 hours. the space mountain was awesome the first time cos i totally freaked out. i grabbed the thing so tight that even as it turns im still at the same position. BUT as i play mroe times is becvame better.
the fireworks were epic man.. after see-ing the fireworks over there, our national fireworks are nothing compared to theirs.

ocean park ... is totally not like our pathetic escape theme park man. the rides there were practically crazy except the swing , the eagle and another thing that spins like retard. the abyss is too freaking high. i actually made it out of ocean park alive and that alone makes me so proud of myself.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

yawns* so dammmmmn tired.. this time round really enjoyed the chalet. i gotta admit its better than last year's chalet man. those who never went just wasted their holidays.

think i gonna like completely reformat my blog or even change my blog. cos i think my blog kinda suck and look very sucky. haas. but wonder when that 1 fine day gonna come when i do that.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

fk the pasir ris lan
lousy com no game. put some freaking useless icon dunno for nuts. lag till **** and dunno which idiot said we plaiying 3 hours. chalet was suppose to be fun but, here am i trying to find somehting to do with the computer infront of me. i cant possibly blog for 2 freaking hours straight right? wth man. screw it to 18th floor . fk this world . hope it ends in 2012. end now oso can.

hope my shiva still got some left. stupid dinesh go drink so much. the hong kong trip is going to be ******** oso. i had to bring my own freaking basic toiletries like? tooth past? shampoo? soap? and i cant even freaking bring more than 100ml of contact lense solution. how am i suppose to last for a freaking week? nb..

dunno why they say 200 deposits end up using it for the air tickets. cant they jsut like, say they need more money for the tickets instead of beating about the bush saying that they need more money to book the tickets or something? zzzz lies .. nothing but lies.

stupid johann last minute don wan come. still wan go for physics and A maths lessons.. its suppose to be a holiday which you enjoy to the maximum before the Os instead of studying so much. no matter wwhat you have to balance between rest and work right? gosh whats happening to this world/? why is it so realistic? is education and money evrything?

just by these reasons the world deserve to end and stat a whole new culture again. phew. wasted like 3 mins typing this but i still got around 1hr more plus. lol..... dunno what i gonna do man.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

finally able to felt what its like to vomit after drinking beyond your limit. quite a experience for me. i admit that feeling sucked but still, not everyone could experience that hahas.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1 more week to chalet ah.. so 'excited'. for me school din't really end until next monday. freak this breaching programme man. if they never took GFA marks im not even inside at all. not a chance man.. went there and learn nothing . literally nothing. well what do u expect making a programme like this during school holidays? bakas..

missed primary school food to the maximuM! i still remember the wonderful taste of the curry chicken rice that cost 1 dollar only. the curry has a rather unique taste and really makes you addicted to it. the serving of that 1 dollar chicken rice is almost as much as my current school's pathetic chicken rice. my school's chicken rice is literally a chicken rice. PLAIN rice with chicken. that's all. really no more no less.
wonder why they stop selling that curry chicken rice anymore.... really wanna eat it again ..

so far. gave away. 6 baby hamsters already . quite a achievement. wait.. its 8... left with 4 adults and 4 babies. woohoo. giving away another adult. if that hamster is somehow successfully given away, i could connect those 5 cages which i did with 1 of them already together. i managed to rack my brains and used my DnT products as a accessories for my baka hamsters.

gonna slp soon and hope i CAN slp soon due to certain circumstances... guitar, getting quite interesting but hope it can get more interesting ! wanna learn violin but, seems rather crazy right? if i learn violin too then ill be able t play 3 musical instruments. Trumpet Guitar and Violin.
blah blah blah dunno what else to type. this is a rather pathetic blog afterall. bleh... hope this holidays gonna be fun before the Os start.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

screw exams~~ lalala..

Sunday, October 18, 2009

school holidays ain't really that fun afterall. haha although the holidays haven really started but due to circumstances, i got a 6 day break and today is mine 4th day. the only thing that i does which i like is that i get to use com overnight until like today 4am then i slept. watching movies are like so fun. everytime its a different story and adventure. hmm. sometimes i really wished that i'm one of them so i could really get out of my boring life.

currently my dream, is to not stay in singapore. hahas. singapore is a nice and good place but just doesn't suits me at all. i need a real adventure. maybe ill migrate to countries like perth. if i could lol. so my dream now, work hard work hard and work hard until i got enough money to settle down in perth and stay there for the rest of my life. to me, anywhere but singapore is an adventure hahs.

gonna buy cage l8r and this time, im not gonna be a stupid fool and buy a cheap 1. gonna buy a 90 or 80 bucks 1 so i can stop worrying bout my hamsters wasting their life inside a stupid small cage.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

hmm.. exams finally over. but. i got nothing to do now. maybe ill go work. or rather i want to work and earn some cash man.. its really amazing that i started with 2 hamsters and 4 months later ended up with 17. should had separated them a long time ago... zz. now.. regret but useless.

those who wan hamster please tell me. my hamsters are really cute.

aside from hamsters now i've been watching mask rider... lols.. sounds stupid but at least i got something to do. maybe ill go swimming every weekend and cycle or rollerblade also. but the most important part i have to get a job to buy a big big cage and hong kong trip expenses. oh yeah i gonna dye hair. wat colour suits me? ..

anyone who reads this please go watch on youtube. mask rider decade. real awesome. trust me its not really that childish.

tomorrow. wait. its today! last day of exam before i can enjoy without any regrets! i gotta admit this is the only exam which i really studied for. all im asking for is a passing grade nothing out of my reach.

hmm.. wonder what am i going to do for my holidays. there's a chalet or maybe two. but still i wanna work and buy some stuff for myself. oh yeah. there's hong kong trip. have to save up. maybe ill work for a few days and buy a decent hamster cage and save the rest for my expenses at hong kong. wished we were staying at hotel instead of hostel man.. hostel is like.. wth.. paid so much dunno for wat. all cos of transporting some metals must pay so much zzz.
have to admit that hamsters are real horny man. today afternoon they gave birth again and the mother is like her mother, giving birth at 1 month old. although their lifespan is short but they really shouldn't rush into such things. still having a hamster might be fun but i really want a DOG! hope i can get all passing grades for my exams so i can play in peace before studying for THE Os.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

its been a long while since i posted any stuff. anyway my blog aint popular so im like practically talking to myself for months. rather weird and stupid isn't it? hahas.. life is so boring.. especially school life IN SINGAPORE... sometimes i wish i could live in america or australia. seems fun over there. singapore is just too small for everything to be done. anyways. chalet coming. yeah.. cheers... but.. still got 4 more days of exam to go. damn.

A maths and bio is my only worries now. well bio i had a whole day to study on monday while A maths i got weekends! woohoo. this time sure can pass all subjects man.
today geog is like wtf? so much things to be tested keep testing on same stuff over and over again. wonder why did i even bothered studying until 1 am. Emaths ... damn that congruent and similar triangles man. screw it. totally forgotten to study that part.. zzz. nvm at least i can focus on bio and A maths now.
HOPE ALL GET GOOD GRADES MAN.. btw taylor swift and hilary duff rox.
i might just become a fan of hilary duff. hahas.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

din't go for remedial lessons. who cares like seriously. syllabus was suppose to be taught finished like weeks ago and term 4 was originally planned for revision. now there ain't even time for revision cos we din't even finish any subject yet? only subject like geography which only have 6 chapters, ss got 5 chapters and A maths just recently finish only. wonder how stupid the school is to make both A maths and E math teacher the same. cos there's no way you can do both subject well cos there's only a teacher to focus on 40 students on BOTH MATHS? freaking hell. stupidity kills man..

how i wish everyday is just self study period. helps us by lots. and hamsters gave birth to another 6 chubby babies again. wonder how horny are they really.. zzz. they seems to take the advantage that i'm the one supporting them not the parents...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

wonder exactly how tired am i... slept 4 hours just now. was hoping to sleep from 2.30 to 4.30 than can study a bit. ended up now than wake up. freaking crazy shit.

Monday, September 21, 2009

yesterday went home around 1.20am. damn tired. actually my intention for that night was to go j8 get my hamster food and maybe buy some cds and went library then go home study. on the way, i msg bryan whether he going for the earthworm's bbq. then he told me that its near his house so i asked him further and its only at basket ball court there... nobody told me nothing so i presume its at some far far place like east coast or something.

today early morning woke up straight away wash my hamster cage. 1 went missing. during the washing, another went missing. now i found 1 and accidentally dropped it just now, thank god she din't die. then she made some funny and weird noises which she had never made before and now damn angry at me. scared and angry of cos.

wonder how to say sorry in hamster language...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

yesterday went to sentosa . first time i managed to build sandcastle. though the tools were insufficient, i managed to build a extraordinary 1. its called THE CIGGERATE FACE . wahahha. with ciggerate buds help, things ain that difficult like i thought it was.

then while they were at the water playing mud ball or wateevr, i managed to plant water bomb mines, if they step on it and it just go SPLASH! but it was a total phailure though.. stupid vito go spoil dunno for wat.
2 things that went wrong, i spread out the mines so much, should have plant like techies mines in dota. another thing is that i miscaculated the routes that they took to the bags. zzz .

this holida, so much to talk about but so few worth mentioning, sounds complicated doesn't it? cos life itself is complicated afterall.
i never collect homework so i don't have to do any and even if there is, i ain't doing it at all. this year is a complete rush and phailure due to the cheapskateness of my freaking retarded school. they had alll those losers young teachers who can't teach and some are old ones. to me, they teach for the pay, not for us.

BUT WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM my school? nothing. hahas. primary school still got talents but now, heh.. none. joke.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

back from kota tingi. SECOND DAY WAS AWESOME

we practically trek for 16 hours with 2 hours of rest in between. the only bad part bout it is that we have to trek in the dark for 5 hours to get back as the rainforest really gets darker earlier than normal places. probably due to the trees covering or something.

sleeping part was another thing. i slept for only like 5 hours in total during the whole damn camp. and when i reached back? i slept 8 hours from 1-9. awesome..

Friday, August 28, 2009

its been awhile since i wash my hamster cage. at first was my leg, so i cant really bring the cage to the sink and wash them. after my leg is sort of okay alreayd, they gave birth to 5 little babies.. rumors had it that they will eat the babies if they are agitated so i waited until now. they kinda like cleaniless.

mild fever and slight headache.. screw the rain.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

today had an awesome dream. wish it was true though.. if it become true i think there's nothing else in this world which i want anymore. tat dream.. its my dream. lol. sounds weird but ya, its true.

1 more week to camp, not really tat excited bout it. guess probably cos of all the homework when the commmon test is like just over?zzz

just wanna finish school as soon as possible but. dont wanna work yet. if i can get paid by studying, i don mind haha.s

Friday, August 21, 2009

been a real while since i went for band or played my trumpet. at first din't really wanted to go cos really.. there isn't any mood at all for everyone since we had no more purpose anymore. but due to the heavy and sickening rain, i cant go home so i had no choice but to go for band. my crutches will slip off just like my slipper. damn rain.

but at least i sort of enjoyed a bit during the break. played long notes and etc cos i forgotten the basics all sort of stuffs. still prefered old band man. there was like, friends, purpose, mood, sensation and everyone would go for dinner after band. not now definitely.. now left A FEW only. unfortunately im not 1 of them today a i cant walk YET. hopepfully i can walk to school normally on monday. cos i really wan to go for the sec 3 camp mna. its like 7th month and i gotnothing to do at home. weird reason but ya.. really wanna go man.

hong kong trip another thing. wonder why my edu save only got 278 bucks in it while others like jia le can have 955 bucks. seriously doubt the part where the education is concern. maybe govern is a dick afterall. or whoever is giving edusave money.

bleh~ well at least im a singaporean. NOT A PR defintely.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

if she dint talk to me today.. nothing of these would happen...

fillings and memoirs came rushing inside me once more, just like water rushing into a bucket.

rather retarded sentence but somewhat true to me..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

bleh .. today test is all about concept. so if you study the concepts correctly, there aint any problems. but unfortunately im stucked at first question....

graph is another question tat make me waste time. didint do the last question of thje graph properly cos. i was taking my own sweet time doing the other questions....

just realise how stupid i am. yesterday i dint finish my ss cos i took my own time doing. ended up not doing the last question which cost me 7 marks. im a stupid fool. chem was OK. but its just ok. not easy not tough.
but to me. today maths paper was predictable if you study.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

this year national parade definitely suck big time. they think the songs they remixed is good but it really... aint as good as the original. its been awhile since everyone heard any original full songs sang by those singers . fireworks remains the main menu of the parade.

2 more days to exam. left 3 more chapter of A maths to go 1 of the chapters i can tell tat i cant even write a correct number..

damn graphs..

bio geog chem not really an issue. jsut need to read through all the theory several times. e maths left the graph....

only thing im afraid of is A maths.... damn... hopefully can at least get a c..........

leg is not yet in a good condition so... have to rest for quite awhile before i can walk again. i seems to have all those handicapped equipment in my house already. arm rest and crutches. left the wheel chair tats all. life is rather interesting man.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

leg is currently getting better. just realised something, western medicine don hurt as much as chinese. though still cant walk normally, but hopefully will get well enough for next friday.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

exactly what in the world is happening to me? how the hell did i even break my leg bone when i tried to get a rebound in basketball? did i jump 2 high for me? no.. then wwas wreslting with frens and all of the sudden my left clevicle break? ???????????????????

now i can barely sleep in peace and make out of toilet in a piece.. gosh...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

this is for all those who are as unlucky as me... just accept your fate... bad things just come speeding towards you. i repeat SPEEDING.

TRUST ME.. im a senior of yours in this field.

Monday, August 3, 2009

life is jsut ridiculous man. the word fair don exist at all, or does it?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

did God really created us in his image? is here another universe? who created God? he lived by himself for the past trillion years or watever? does he feel lonely? if God didnt created us who did? when will our planet earth die out? is there aliens? is someone created God, who is that person? does the cycle keeps going on? is there really heaven and hell? what happens when we die, do we just lose our thinking and disappear without a trace? is there ghost? is there a way to communicate with them? can ghost help us in our questions about afterlife? are they as clueless as us?

if someone or something can tell me these answers i think i can rest in peace already. but doubt its going to come true...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

dopy is the best. just some random word which i took a liking to it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

there is afterall equivalent trade on this world.... for the sake of escaping boring tunes of music for 1 and a half hour, i suffered with nuisiance rubbish that cost my only episode in learning how to score for TALKING in exams.

somehow i just capitalised the talking word. it really doesn't have any further meaning.. really..
wonder why the heck am i able to speak and write english so fluently when i am a freaking chinese singaporean which have difficulty explaining simple words. maybe thats the singapore trend afterall.............

dreams seems so far.. yet so reachable ... so nostalgic..

Monday, July 27, 2009

pokemon is beggining to become real lame i think. i THINK. haha... friends told me that the current version of pokemon aint good anymore due to the gameplay and other sort of stuff. still its probably the one and current game that i will acknoledge that is worth playing after few years. current me is still playing lols..

rather fun... seriously..

tmr got SS test. hope she seriously WILL MARK THIS FREAKING TEST AND NOT SAY SOME RUBBISH LIKE" I READ THROUGH YOUR ANSWERS AND MOST OF YOU DID NOT DO WELL" then she will say "WE GOING TO HAVE A RETEST ON BLAH BLAH DAY" i will seriosuly be pissed off once again. hope she just stop ruining out our studies and screw off to her hometown.

hais.. looks like saving money is rather hard cos of food.... double fillet o fish. shaker fries.. zz

Sunday, July 26, 2009

exams coming.. stilll nt prepared yet. bio, maths, chem NOT YET FINISHED

omg.. hope can make i through this exam and studfy for eoy already.

watching a very dumb magic show buy the magic is real high class .

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

TMR IS THE FREAKING SOLAR ECLIPSE!! ONCE YOU MISSED IT MEANS THAT"S IT YOU KNOW??? thats why i don plan on going to school. due to the good view of the SUN from my block. I CAN PRACTICALLY see it cos there aint anything taller than 5 stories in like 1km infront of my block in the direction facing the sun. incredible view indeed.

except the part where i do not have a telescope.. damn... if i can have a telescope and a proper MC for tmr, i will sacrifice 5 yrs of my life. not joking really.. be it a trade with devil or tooth angel.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

still got half of bio chapter to go. hope the world don ends at 2012 but have a drastic change instead. like more forest more ocean and the north pole and south pole's temperature decreases and the ozone layer recover and no more global warming and kills all those faggot humans who are destroying the earth. i wonder if none of these would happen if the human population aint this much.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

lots of things i want now. a touch screen phone, jeans, shirt, classical guitar, violin and a freaking three storey cage for my hamsters.

mathematics is a pain in the ass man. test coming up 1 after another hais... sad life indeed.

Friday, July 10, 2009

so much homework.. and can hardly keep up with a maths omfg.. think go tution for the nxt 2 months should be safed le.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

morning internet went crazy and no connection at all. somehow its working now. ended up using laptop in morning.

Monday, July 6, 2009

damn.. i spent like 5 horus plus watching this anime... nodame cantabile. interesting anime. definitely worth watching it. go or to watch it man. both websites are great.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

sianz tution..... its helpful but the tought of it ruins the day practically.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

damn h1n1 is such a loser. there's only 701 cases now??? wth.. its suppose to be some epidermic where alot of lives were taken and now 281 patients already fully recovered. its like wth.. was expecting something more than this. if there's another loser epidermic like this we will always treat it lightly and till an extent that we will even treat it as a joke..

hmm. now naruto and bleach is finally moving on to the more exciting part. FINALLY.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

today escaped from the evil clutches of biology. due to the life skills workshop. kinda fun, at least i know its definitely ebtter than having stupid meaningless lessons throughout the day. tmr gonna end at 2.25 again i guess. today ended at 1.15pm.

got tons of hwmk to do cos i din finis my holiday hwmk. or rather i found them yesterday in my blue file which i din touch until yesterday. left a bit of bio and chinese. thats all. but chinese need to write 2 compos and 1 new paper article. i hate newspaper article..

just finished cleaning my hamster cage. was fun. wonder why do hamsters run away the moment the are let out of the cage and have no intentions of returning back. hope they feel cleaner now with the cage. still saving money for the 52 bucks cage i saw in j8. i currently have 24 bucks only.. thats 28bucks more. woah.. think i need to save real fast before they die in that boring cage.

Monday, June 29, 2009

cant believe i done my chemisty hwk just nw. its 2 common test papers. surprisingly and stupid both papers have plentty of similar question so.. ya quite easy. no way its more difficult than my freaking commom test.

today my school hired some low budget workers. i guess they are paid 3 bucks per hour or something. they painted the walls like real amatuer . i don really care bout the walls although it made me feel so... weird. the school its like blue and white now. so lifeless....
nw back to the main point. the school budget till the extend that the paint it looks like cheap ones and best of all, its not even odourless! oh such thoughtful principal, saving for the harsh winter when i doubt its ever coming at all. foolish people indeed.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

the new avatar movie is coming out. its great . it should be. if not for the freaking retarded faggot they using for the main character. its like wth?? the face is pure stupid, its like telling me that the whole animated series of avatar is just rubbish due to the movie. i dunno why but thats wat i feel bout it.

see his freaking retarded face here.
that website was great until losers directed movies with faggot characters.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

5 days since i posted any stuff. got my own hamster 2 days ago. one is slightly fatter than the other but both look real tiny to me. their babies afterall. just let them run about my room but they seems to like to hide from me which is impossible.. eating dust was one of the thing i saw them doing most.... wonder why. and i cant believe they slept in their hiding places and im like forced to get them out of there and put them back into the cage for a better rest. phew* was rather tough.

just found out 1 meaningful thing.

Do you know the relation between your 2 eyes? They blink together, move together, cry together, see things together & sleep together but they never see each other.

Monday, June 22, 2009

today went 'swimming'. at jurong east. the trip there was great as i was filled with excitement every singl;e minute. though the standing in the mrt train for 41mins was tough.

chinese garden hmmm i always thought the swimming thing is at jurong east mrt since its called jurong swimming complex or watever.

and as soon as we saw the notice board, it says MONDAY : CLOSED

had a great day dying to zombies instead. virtually of cos

Friday, June 19, 2009

just became a pirate. Publish Postleft eye spoil.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

noodles still the best. at least you get to suck them when you cant chew. mixed rice is so random, no particular meaning to it.

rollerblade till got blister.. pain..........
haven done any hols homework yet, waiting for the day to come where ill do them. though i doubt that day would come. chem tution not bad, e maths tution much better. though both still inexperience but still can make it.
really want to watch terminator salvation but cant find time somehow. or rather no money.. haven got my stupid pay yet from the retarded boss. she should just drop dead man.

Monday, June 15, 2009

wasted one whole lday playing computer games and sleeping. life's getting boring afterall.

Friday, June 12, 2009

today watch monster vs alien. kinda stupid show but i watched for the 3D part not for the story line. damn the 3D specs aint comfortable wearing cos its way too heavy though its not green and red anymore during spy kids 3D. they have like idiots camping outside of the damn cinema cos they got freakiong low budget and must collect back the specs.

this time the 3D effects are more and better.

Monday, June 8, 2009

hmm looks like miley singing improve by a great lot since i heard her song. just watched hannah montana and taylo swift was in that movie for like around a min to sing crazier. she got some nice eyes i must say.

living two lives must be real difficult but why in the world did you even created another half? its your life so live it in your own way, not others.

Friday, June 5, 2009

yesterday bought new clothes. that jeans was awesome. bugis street is still the best for shopping

nice stuff at cheap prices. though some were real ex like 70+ pants.. but i have to admit that that 70+ pants looks real good.

new clothes in my closet, what will happen to the old ones? my answer is : dunno..

Sunday, May 31, 2009

roller blading its just crazy

Saturday, May 30, 2009

money is hard to earn, this phrase only applies to jobs that offers you pathetic amoun of money after working for long hours. 

damn. why cant people just accept the fact that its so hot nowadays and buy a block of ice cream to chill out?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

just woke up... so tired... damn.. if only nw got no more school! total waste of time at school i must say.. cant they just let us go for a long break before teaching again? screw them...

tommorrow got aesthetic bbq but i doubt i going... .. so many ppl... the food is 100% not able to fill your stomach and what? at the parade square? exactly how many bbq pits they putting and how many ppl gonna stuff there when cooking..

never ever think do they? and why cant transformer be out already? 1 more day to terminator.. damn i wish if only all the good movies can come at one shot and ill be spending my whole day at there.. sitting down..

Sunday, May 24, 2009

yawns* so tired...physically and mentally.. wonder if there's a world which you don need to work whole day or get too stressed by studies and there is no currency throughtout the world. most importantly.. there are much much more forests and trees compared to this acursed world and animals and humans can live together peacefully.. guess that's just another dream of mine.. 

anyway i just woke up... can't think that straight yet.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

damn... this afternoon was a bad 1. or rather today is really a stupid day lol.. finally exams over but my com spoiled when i reached home?????????????????????????????????? 10 mins more to tommorrow yea.... hopefully i can pass all my papers cos i sort of studied this time round..

angels and demons is a real nice show and new kind of show. meaningfull yet not. 

Sunday, May 17, 2009

damn riddles.. solve this one man... 

what is the middle of gravity and the start of variety? 

what is every drinking every in water and never thirsty?

just think lamely and you will solve it..

somehow i think ladies sing better then man lol.. eg. taylor swift, leona lewis, nelly furtado. i guess their songs had much more meaning then those rock and pop music with no meaning..

Friday, May 15, 2009

hmm reading naruto and bleach manga.. left two more freaking stupid retarded nonsensical rubbish insignificant ridiculous paper; chemistry and emaths. tsk. today bio as not exactly well done cos what|? they ask me draw a freaking villus... damn them to the highest level of heaven.. 

yawns* just woke up.. hope this all goes well. hmm.. gonna drink more milk already cos im sick of being handicapped .. argh stress..

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

screw studies.. today had to master social studies! a retarded subject and a maths. geog and bio yawns*

Sunday, May 10, 2009

yawns* tired day yesterday but today will be much longer. a maths! must pass this test no matter what, even if i sold my soul to the devil... lots of chapter i haven started revision, in fact... i haven started at all.....

Saturday, May 9, 2009

yesterday  exam was...... chinese was a killer indeed. i almost cant finish cause i thought that i had plentty of time so i read the passage slowly.. in the end i rush to do the remaining questions..... english.. hmmm hope i won go out of point like always. well the question is set so that people go out of point.... arguementative essays are different from what i can write so yea.. narrative its still better, you get to use your imagination for a period.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

going to play table tennis now.. lol.. though exams coming but still need to de-stress . 

resting is to walk further later. convert this to chinese. no rest no gain

media is indeed influencial. only idiots says its not. if you disagree why are you reading this? internet= media, plus blogging is a journal that is sort of publicised through internet of what kind of person you are. so seriously.. people who hates media are bakas...

i think jap songs are cool for one reason, you don't understand what the song really meant cause you don't understand nor read the language so its awesome. to me, some things are beter off not knowing like songs. once you get what it means and you keep listening to it, it no longer sound the same when you first hear it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

fullmetal alchemist rox! so does hagane no renkinjutsushi lol.. ca coming and i put in 'much' effort in it.

today chemistry was tough.. but learnt someting new still.

damn.. found another awesome singer lol.. kinda like a rockstar.. 
name = Yui. jap singer. plays the guitar like taylor but both style of singing is different. 
and i found her awesome singing through anime.... the opening song.. kind of stupid but yeah.. great singer.....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

awesome lunch i had. with myself. at home. cooked by a great chef. one handed chef. handicapped chef. maggi. veg noodle. egg out of stock. wasted whole day. 

Friday, May 1, 2009

a few days ago wa having troubles in signing blogger but now seems ok already.. guess its my com probem. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

ending was kind of unexpected as i thought there wont be any ending then the next day or week they use first few mins of 9am show to show it to erveryone cos recently they ask us to vote din they? think either it never went off or they are just way too impatient.. but hmm.. seriously i don think thats the ideal ending even if ah wu wins... the taji skill was defintely unexpected.. but anyone awesome show but stupid pathetic number of episodes...

CA coming!!!!! must study real hard if i don wan teachers to complain to my parents like dogs..-. lols pardon my rudeness lol.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

watching naruto shippuuden movie now. loading was rather fast and quality is good. was watching halfway then my internet explorer suddenly disappear............ when i was actually watching an exciting part.... 

damn.. table tennis is just awesome... theres no limit to how you can play and enjoy it..

just ate some disgusting mee hoon goreng which costs 3 bucks. the teh-tarik was..... perhaps they should just sell instant noodles instead of selling some things which they cant cook properly.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

table tennis rock big time man.. played like 2+hours just now. sort of crazy to play till 1am+ afterall.

today had band and the idiotic conductor praise me 2 much till i seriously must go toliet for around 20mins to get the pai seh feeling rid of me...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

din't actually wanted to post cos i had already 123 posts which i think is a nice number.. tommorrow got bio test but i aint prepared at all. think ill pass if they ask me stupid stuffs like functions and label the organs and parts all these. cos i only studied them... anyways saturday gonna study whole day. think i need o get bio and geog done by saturday . others can wait.

today had chinese test and should be able to pass... was defintely easier than the previous one.

screw the stupid script writer of table of glory.. damn retarded.. such nice show then ending already?? last 3 episodes? don screw around man. unless you tell me there gonna be season 2 which is unlikely as there has not been any info yet . if not you freaking retard should just die.

bleach dragging like hell... talk so long.. get into some action already! naruto new movie , bonds came out but its raww and uploaded by mega video idiots.. you don even get to watch the whole damn movie if you don sign up which coss money. wonder if they know tat tonnes of people already trying to screw them to the other universe.
one of the longest post i had so far.

Monday, April 20, 2009

wooo bought my new head set. small and comfortable. got connector also. think 59 bucks was definitely worth. using it now. cant wait till i finish using com and lie on bed and start using it already lol.. now i can finally study in peace, rather weird word to use but yea, true in a way.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

ytd watched 17 again again.. lols nice show.. the comedy part is rather creative and smth new too. but 1 thing is that we dint really sat at our allocated seats but from LAST row moved to like fifth row or fourth row or sixth row. forgotten already... as usual the crowd laughed yeah, but first time i watched the other crowd laughed some parts which the last night's batch din and yea vice versa or watever.

suppose to study today . i will if possible. hahas.

Monday, April 13, 2009

im like so dead~ i slept with my factured arm facing upwards.. meaning im screwed.. i dunno how long i slept with that position of my arm and i only felt pain when i woke up.... damn..

ppl tends to change don they?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

great day today! except for the drizzling part though... finally manage to reboot my com and all the usesless, irritating, insignificant, ridiculous, retarded, annoying virus is gone at last phew~
though all the stuff is gone but its alright. installing and updating my com like crazy now.

life seems to be so much better with a better com.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

omg... ytd slept from 6 till next morning.. missed my damn dinner and show.. sleeping sux afterall..

Thursday, April 9, 2009

today was totally boring............. end so early don seems to be a good thing afterall.. hwk don seems to be a right time so hmm eally dunno wat to do at all.

boring life sians

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

tmr going to see the bone doctor.. have no clue whats the proper name and i dont really care -.- money suckes don deserve my respect hahas... hmm can skip cme ss test chinese remedial woots! but still need to go school until 1.50 ...

life seems so boring with a hand only.. saddened... and again

Sunday, April 5, 2009

think im getting used to my handicapped life already. haha.. my typing speed sort of fastened in a way. done all my elearning finally though mostly is just pure guess. blah who cares.. they should be real grateful i handed my assignment up seriously. left 1 printing bio assignment but my printer sort of spoil so screw it man.

hais life's been boring though... hwk and hwk and ca1 is coming in a months time... my hand cant seems to adapt to my last time studying style. still thinking how am i going to study hmmm..

Saturday, April 4, 2009

looks like chinese sin sei is despised by western docs afterall... hais.. wed must go for a'proper' cfheck up according to them. bet they just want to take my money.. hahas.

today was real boring.. coulnt find anything fun to waste my time.. perhaps i should do more of handicapped stuff cos you don get to be a handicapped everytime do you? some cant even be one forever. anyway who wants to become a handicapped.. nutcase ppl..

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

a cursed fate... hais..

Sunday, March 29, 2009

damn tmr syf.... and my arm is still ................ playing with one hand make me feel real handicapped. maybe i AM handicappped afterall haha.. been long while since i post eh.. haven seen a doc yet but if tmr it still don get anywhere better i must really go see 1 soon..

hais... big day tmr but .. just seems too fast.. way too fast. how many months past already since nbc. hope we can get at least a damn silver like nbc huh.. if seriously get a bronze i would be like wasting time all these hardcore month and its really ridiculous cos my studies is screwed by all these practices. pls a silver -.-

today saw a pocket trumpet at bras basah. haha cost only 390 bucks. not cheap but not ex either. its really small though the sound would be a little bit kiddy haha. i can imagine bringing it to sch already ... a few more hours to doom!

Monday, March 23, 2009

yes!@ tmr end scchool at 11 cause of band.. gotta go singaprre conference hall to reheaerse for syf. good thing is that i need not suffer in lessons.

then thursday got investiture so lesson start at 12.30 and its only a period of chinese and a period of exp which is reading period -.- rather go home slp......

today was 'fun'......

Sunday, March 22, 2009

holiday was 'awesome'....... band from wed to ytd yeah....... ahahahaha..................................................

screw school work ..

Thursday, March 19, 2009

damn.... my ear hole grew back.... just because i took it out for a night.....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

so tired nowadays
and hate security guards.. screw them

Monday, March 16, 2009

what has the world turned into... finally a good time for rest and playing turns out to be a time for recuperating .. rubbish.

damn curse elearning and the homeworks.. screw the school..

Thursday, March 12, 2009

today went to celebrated jit bday .. 20 people went into swensens lol.. so many... gst was ridiculous over there... damn 9% and we ordered like only a few dishes and cost us near 150 bucks! damn ...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

today would be one of the best day if i need not to file all my stupid chinese worksheet and do my stupid chinese letter writing... arghh... was having fun at band.. we practise our air capacity by running around like seriously at our limit. hahas.. play catching, virus freeze and melt, pop. was so sweaty after that..

dammit.. need to save up a hell lot of money like now?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

just had my stud taken out. though it bleed but hurts a little only.. today band was sort of crazy.. cold till like mad.. goosebumps were like appearing everywhere -.-

ear stick feel so much better.. though slping will make it hard.

Monday, March 9, 2009

today guitar lesson was not boring at all! cool teacher man.. let me play tabs.. at first wanted to quit but now.. hmm.. think im addicted to guitar once more hahas..

Sunday, March 8, 2009

wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bday... haha.. 15th years old le.. so old.. 1 more year to graduation ! though its only secondary school graduation...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

today went for music exchange.. somehow i prefer listening to the set piece instead of the choice piece.. was kinda boring though.. blah.. everything got its advantages and disadvantages afterall.. left breaking dawn to complete my reading task but.. tmr got something on... hmm.. maybe i should do watever stuff like today asap.. hope tmr's weather would be good.. bless me~

damn it.. just now got some internet error.. got my post killed ..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

today had fever -.- or rather.. yesterday night.. thought there aint a need to see a doc but still it was unavoidable.. 50 bucks on my stupid 'sweet' tasting medicine.. got 1 of them is like so damn big.. i was surprised i could actually swallowed it so easily..

Sunday, March 1, 2009

today i finish reading new moon in 4hours plus?? omg.. dint really knew i could do that but i think was cause of the way the writer write in suspense. and the balancing of the story... still left 2 more books. damn.. not gonna have time for reading .. this weeks got like 3 tests incoming and band liike everyday???....... crazy life

Monday, February 23, 2009

today ss quiz was lol.... open book.. but dammit.. she wants another quiz tommorrow a non open book 1 buyt bleh~ doubt it can get to anywhere.. geog quiz was another giveaway...

today sort of ended welll except for the sweeping part -.-... but at least i understood maths lesson once.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

yawns* once again... today suppose to go practise with frens but ended up slping due to the stupid awesome weather... damn it.. it rained so heavily tat the temperature is so low till i fell asleep when i just laid down on my bed.. stupud weather indeed -.-"

tommorrow might have ss test but screw it... i got like quiz and test on ss everyweek?? nonsense indeed.. arghhhh screw studies man..

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

yawns* once again... school sux afterall... meaningless and waste of my precious time.. stupid cher anyhow call ppl parent.. damn her to 18th level of helll man... wats her pms prob man..

today recruit band played foundation of performance and the conductor came late. stupid bryan went off so early .. band was rather way too draggy today. end like 6.30? its like wth?

maths sux!

Monday, February 16, 2009

yawns* cant sleep anymore.. sleep too much during the day. using com as usual lalala~

Friday, February 13, 2009

yes! finally got a music phone.. though its a old version phone but at least i can listen to music which is really an awesome thing... after having like weeks without a phone tat can lay music.. i was about to bored to death... life doesnt seems to go well if music aint there at all hahas..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

today english class was bored to tears.. i ended up drawing with my left hand and writing abcs all over and over again. quite a challenge but fun hahas..

yawns* sleepy~ stupid ss test tmr.. screw it man.. waste of my time..

Sunday, February 8, 2009

omg slpt till now... bad bad.. wasted a hell lot of my time.. zz

Saturday, February 7, 2009

lol cooking my first porridge but think i screwd it up badly like a fool.. i sort of scoop way too much rice.. arghh... my dinner.... its gone i gues.. trying to salvage the stupid porrigde now -.- hope it can at least be edible hahas..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

today was boring but still great hahas.. dying of song addiction!~ hope my phone could like seriously be fix tmr? or asap .. dammit feels so retarded without songs.. country ones especially lols..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

yawns* tired!!!!!!!!!! today so boring at schooL!!! zzzzz contacts was awesome though a transarent one would be a much more convenient hahas.. tmr got band.. sectionals... gonna be a boring one i swear..

Saturday, January 31, 2009

finally gotten my lenses.. looks kinda scary.. and weird. today went to band at 830+ . stupid bryan dint tell me the time .. we played happy niuu year and praire potrait.. met another two pros there. he can like play a note lower then the previous one by not changing his fingering.. was hoping he can play the scales without touching the fingerings thingy. hahs

today went to LAN and just came back. at first was rather pissed off at the lousy connections and the pathetic software in it . couldnt update any thing or download other then from steam. saw my primary school classmate there with his friends. he looked the same still.. though i told him i couldnt recognise him at all.. haha.. liess.. but the environment was way too dark, couldnt even see wats on the floor unless you actually went to see it.

left 4 dead was difintely fun, but at first was irritating cos i started off a point when i couldnt pick up any guns until my team finally found a damn house. stupid zombies... attitude probs. no manners.. i shoot them they ignore me then when i nvr disturb them they run towards me.. damn... idiotic zombies.

Monday, January 26, 2009

zzz cant seem to get all the sleep i wanted ... going to mass collect red packets later woo~ cousin says he don mind buying beer for me to drink hahas.. don think i gonna take another lollipop today.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

dammit.. hate prawns and abalone... i ate them during reunion dinner just now and almost died... they just don pair along with my taste buds after all... dammit.. almost vomit while walking back home and mind was screwd up after eating it... all cos my aunt... keep giving me food.. but thanks anyway... hahass... happy chinese new year ppl! wooohoooo

yesterday bought a sneakers and a jean. both look good and cheap. jeans was bought from the super duper croweded bugis. though its a bit far but was definetly worth it. after buying the jeans we went to lan and played a stupid dota game. then left with 10 mins for left 4 dead. kinda awesome.. killing zombies haha.. sneakers was bought from toa payoh at around 8 plus. went out aroun d 1.30 came back to bishan around 7... dint realise shopping was so time comsuming.. but anyways..

Thursday, January 22, 2009

today rrecess was rather fun haha... its like having two recess cos i got like a free period after it. dunno whether going for band tmr cos i got like chem practical and lunch and visiting primary school teachers to do so most likely wont have enough time for band. besides alot of ppl not going so 1 cant make much diff .. saturaday buying clothes.. dunno wat to buy argh.. hopefully there will be some nice clothes.
cny i wan to drink beer!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

ytd drills was sort of fun except the shouting part and the hot sun. other than that it was ratther ok. but its been a real while since we even had such a long strict drills. learning guitar from christophori, not at 156 anymore. though still left a last lesson there. christopohri cheaper and my sis fren teaching so would be good. but then i realise that guitar could be learn on my own cos i learn 3 chords, a major, e7 and d major on my own. haha.. but still i prefer someone to teach so i could learn better. still left goeg and maths hw.. screw them... school sucks to the coree~~

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

today my band major played guitar.. freaking awesome.. i was like wth... dint know guitar can be played till so good.. and so many different ways.. now searching for scores to play. freaking hell .. wish i can like mastered all the chords and notes already so i can start with the real song.

Monday, January 12, 2009

today school was BORING as usual so dint really studied much. free period didnt seems to be better then a normal lesson somehow..cos everyone is doing homework or studying while im day dreaming.. zz.
went to wash my freaking face and cost 41 bucks. they us some kind of sponge and substance which got cooling and hot 1s then got the hot air somehow i dunno wat the hell is it cos thjey sort of covered my eyes. the removing of my blackheads was the most irritating part.. you have to suffer like hell. you think you paid money for a better skin but you actually paid it to get tortured badly.. was freaking hell lot of pain. and i took like forever when they doing that. but at least the ladies there are young and good looking. haha.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

saturdays seems kinda boring.. again waiting for j8 to start selling fearless.. damn. should have bought it b4 it went out of stock. regrets all over me.. reading twilight later at night or afternoon i guess. kinda interesting book but just that i've watched the movie before reading the book so it sort of pointless. haha.. nvm reading is still fun though. most importantly it keeps me occupied at least an hour. i think my record was 3 hours plus i guess. if only school library could produce some good books but thats impossible because of the brainless school building a library that SMALL. its only around the size of a classroom omg.. it looks good yes but wats the point of it? attracting ppl to its ridiculousness??? lol..

Friday, January 9, 2009

been a few days since i posts . lately getting more and more tired due to the stupid N stuff in my body. was hoping to get the gum to chew on but found out tat its way too expensive. saving money for lots of stuff! i wanna buy so many things in new year but no money.. sadden.. wan buy cap, shirt, jeans, contacts, guitar. lol seems impossible afterall. haha.. nvm when theres a will theres a way. but cos bought wrong chemistry workbook so must buy the right 1 and a pair of new socks so 12 bucks in total plus my stationery totalled up 20+dollars. money so hard to get.. nvm chinese new year coming! money will come rolling in plus if i win mahjong and cards i will have more money! kinda money face.. oh haven pay band fund yet..
today played flute, clarinet, saxophone euphonium, trombone. haha kinda fun.. almost got the saxophone fingerings done but stupid alumin force me to go back my trumpet... say tat i cant play trumpet if i play too long but not really true. the feeling is like you just started trumpet for the day and all you need is warm up tats all. today orientation was kinda screwed up but in the end the response from sec 1s was kinda unexpected and surprising .

Monday, January 5, 2009

omg lor... form teacher is my ss teacher... s fking boring lor she teach.. rather read textbook on my own ^^. she teach like... reading directly on the power point screen and the words there only got some things diff. and wat matters the most is tat i hate SS!. worst still my chem teacher damn good.. take up my free period cos she feels like it and chase another class out of the classroom cos she using it when she not suppose to wth??? !!!!!! handwork handed in the nxt day and she gave us a chem worksheet when both her lessons, including MY free period .. nvr teach bout chem at all.. and the first worksheet she gave us was a reflection and shldnt it be done on the year end instead?
maths teacher oso.. say she experienced then when she teach i was like... shock lor.. a new teacher means a new teacher n0 matter wat she do on other sch. anopther one teach for a period and read from worksheet she gave u then want us do when she explain like a rat..
HOPEFULLY i got some other fun and interesting teachers unlike those mentioned above^.. if not sec 3 will be VERY BORED!