Monday, July 27, 2009

pokemon is beggining to become real lame i think. i THINK. haha... friends told me that the current version of pokemon aint good anymore due to the gameplay and other sort of stuff. still its probably the one and current game that i will acknoledge that is worth playing after few years. current me is still playing lols..

rather fun... seriously..

tmr got SS test. hope she seriously WILL MARK THIS FREAKING TEST AND NOT SAY SOME RUBBISH LIKE" I READ THROUGH YOUR ANSWERS AND MOST OF YOU DID NOT DO WELL" then she will say "WE GOING TO HAVE A RETEST ON BLAH BLAH DAY" i will seriosuly be pissed off once again. hope she just stop ruining out our studies and screw off to her hometown.

hais.. looks like saving money is rather hard cos of food.... double fillet o fish. shaker fries.. zz