Tuesday, June 30, 2009

today escaped from the evil clutches of biology. due to the life skills workshop. kinda fun, at least i know its definitely ebtter than having stupid meaningless lessons throughout the day. tmr gonna end at 2.25 again i guess. today ended at 1.15pm.

got tons of hwmk to do cos i din finis my holiday hwmk. or rather i found them yesterday in my blue file which i din touch until yesterday. left a bit of bio and chinese. thats all. but chinese need to write 2 compos and 1 new paper article. i hate newspaper article..

just finished cleaning my hamster cage. was fun. wonder why do hamsters run away the moment the are let out of the cage and have no intentions of returning back. hope they feel cleaner now with the cage. still saving money for the 52 bucks cage i saw in j8. i currently have 24 bucks only.. thats 28bucks more. woah.. think i need to save real fast before they die in that boring cage.