Thursday, December 31, 2009

hmm. still kinda sleeepy... eyelids are heavy. wonder is there a way to like make them lighter besides sleeping more.

came back from chalet around 1plus or 12. cant remember. thanks goodness i remembered to buy hamster food for my little kids at home. well there was a particular hamster that din't drink nor eat since tuesday and im pretty glad his still alive.. of cos his still cute like a hamster.
when i found him, he looked pretty screwd up like he got raped or something. the fur were in total mess and ya, he was sleeping on a shoe... well at least no 1 died during my absence. hahas.

when we came back, we took bus 88 back to bishan. was long and slow and romantic. well the romantic part is only for a stupid retard. he was tired and slept. that i can understand on the bus. but the thing is. he. actually freaking hug the piglet that is in pink colour throughout the whole time while sleeping? so do picture this..
a guy wearing a white hoody sleeping on a bus with a piglet in his hands(not arms hor). my feeling was like, *****************???!!! well obviously you can sort of guess whats the *** means.

chalet was fun. first day was kinda homo. cos i din't slept well before going for the chalet. so i ended up freaking tired, lying on the bed, pretending to be alive when im dead in actual fact. i must say that sleeping in chalet is definitely different from home. cos you might get raped anytime. the reason? you don wanna fetch your friend cos you're 2 tired. .... ....