Monday, December 7, 2009

today went for the philharmonic winds and natant or watever the band name is concert. its was a thai band. me and unagi was debating who was better in terms of skill until they played the guzheng-like instrument and the er hu-like instrument. cos it sounded so not modern so yeah... they cant really be compared with....... what a waste of breathe... and saliva.

wonder if this is what they call, think before you speak.

the overall performance for the concert was not bad, though it cant be compared to nakamura girls. they totally rocked man. this time im not wasting my time and energy comparing or rather i am wasting my time comparing.. ZZZzzz. cos nakamura girls are just too good..
damn.. gotta think before i type my next sentence...

tthen l8r i went with unagi to sit swing then we counted stars. at first , there were 8 i think, then 13, 15, 22, 31, 40!!! they just slowly shine brighter and brighter like they were fighting to see who shine brighter. well the 33th 1 won i guess, cos it really shines. when i say shines, it really means shines like a sun. though it cant really shine like a sun. and although sun is after all a star., it still din't and cant shine like the sun... weird...

everything seems so weird now, maybe i should just go watch some animes to refresh my mind instead. btw vampire diaries rox!! go watch!