Wednesday, October 7, 2009

its been a long while since i posted any stuff. anyway my blog aint popular so im like practically talking to myself for months. rather weird and stupid isn't it? hahas.. life is so boring.. especially school life IN SINGAPORE... sometimes i wish i could live in america or australia. seems fun over there. singapore is just too small for everything to be done. anyways. chalet coming. yeah.. cheers... but.. still got 4 more days of exam to go. damn.

A maths and bio is my only worries now. well bio i had a whole day to study on monday while A maths i got weekends! woohoo. this time sure can pass all subjects man.
today geog is like wtf? so much things to be tested keep testing on same stuff over and over again. wonder why did i even bothered studying until 1 am. Emaths ... damn that congruent and similar triangles man. screw it. totally forgotten to study that part.. zzz. nvm at least i can focus on bio and A maths now.
HOPE ALL GET GOOD GRADES MAN.. btw taylor swift and hilary duff rox.
i might just become a fan of hilary duff. hahas.