Wednesday, October 14, 2009

tomorrow. wait. its today! last day of exam before i can enjoy without any regrets! i gotta admit this is the only exam which i really studied for. all im asking for is a passing grade nothing out of my reach.

hmm.. wonder what am i going to do for my holidays. there's a chalet or maybe two. but still i wanna work and buy some stuff for myself. oh yeah. there's hong kong trip. have to save up. maybe ill work for a few days and buy a decent hamster cage and save the rest for my expenses at hong kong. wished we were staying at hotel instead of hostel man.. hostel is like.. wth.. paid so much dunno for wat. all cos of transporting some metals must pay so much zzz.
have to admit that hamsters are real horny man. today afternoon they gave birth again and the mother is like her mother, giving birth at 1 month old. although their lifespan is short but they really shouldn't rush into such things. still having a hamster might be fun but i really want a DOG! hope i can get all passing grades for my exams so i can play in peace before studying for THE Os.