Thursday, December 31, 2009

hmm. still kinda sleeepy... eyelids are heavy. wonder is there a way to like make them lighter besides sleeping more.

came back from chalet around 1plus or 12. cant remember. thanks goodness i remembered to buy hamster food for my little kids at home. well there was a particular hamster that din't drink nor eat since tuesday and im pretty glad his still alive.. of cos his still cute like a hamster.
when i found him, he looked pretty screwd up like he got raped or something. the fur were in total mess and ya, he was sleeping on a shoe... well at least no 1 died during my absence. hahas.

when we came back, we took bus 88 back to bishan. was long and slow and romantic. well the romantic part is only for a stupid retard. he was tired and slept. that i can understand on the bus. but the thing is. he. actually freaking hug the piglet that is in pink colour throughout the whole time while sleeping? so do picture this..
a guy wearing a white hoody sleeping on a bus with a piglet in his hands(not arms hor). my feeling was like, *****************???!!! well obviously you can sort of guess whats the *** means.

chalet was fun. first day was kinda homo. cos i din't slept well before going for the chalet. so i ended up freaking tired, lying on the bed, pretending to be alive when im dead in actual fact. i must say that sleeping in chalet is definitely different from home. cos you might get raped anytime. the reason? you don wanna fetch your friend cos you're 2 tired. .... ....

Monday, December 28, 2009

downloading songs. then ask sean tan(you should know who the heck is this guy) to offer some suggestions then he gave me a list of them when i don't like most of them. stupid baka isn't him?

then here's the part. he sent me leona lewis and blake lewis together.
i asked him," is blake lewis leona lewis brother?" he said "no. leona lewis is from x-factor blake lewis is from american idol. one does ballard while the other beat-box." i was like. like i care... then i said, "both are black americans right?" then he scolded blake lewis by saying,"no. blake lewis is super white." well if you are a hokkien you try convert super white directly into chinese and you get the meaning.

sean is definitely an ass don't you think?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

hmm.. just watched a really funny stupid show that has no meaning behind it at all. wait there is. well its rather stupid too. at least it has 1. i remembered shakespeare once said.. little meaning doesn't mean no meaning. so this sentence which i came up with has just successfully infiltrated the system and finally got a meaning behind it.

what a noble thing i had done for man kind.. maybe they should just create a statue of me or something. though i prefer having a real mask rider belt.

well that day, dunno when, quite long ago. wait its not . its just a few days ago.
went to friend house. and he got 20+ over different mask rider belt. i estimated that he spent over 1.4k on them. and he told me this. " i only got 20plus sia, so little' then i replied him surprisingly shocked saying," 20plus? ya lor should have 100plus cos the decade movie got so many riders"
again i just bullshyted, meaning im just making things up. whats wrong with me? nothing's wrong.

hmm i just realized that if there's nothing wrong with a person's life, it would be an disaster wouldn't it? and i realized another thing. i wanted to type something different. very different. or maybe not. for this post and i wanted to say i afk awhile to think about what i wanted to post then i ended up typing so much already.

guess this is where a saying from shakespeare comes in,"some things.. are better to not know." well if you noticed all the stuff i shakespeared about are bull.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

life hasn't been smooth cause it was all the long like that?

nope that sentence is wrong. life was once smooth, filled with joy, happiness, ignorance, safe and whatever there is in a so called 'smooth life'. now its all just deception, lies and other stuff which apparently i can't think of.

these words that you just read are not random , for everyday you see them. just that you subconsciously avoided them, denied their existence or even lived with it as though its not your fault.

so here's another interesting question about the lord jesus christ.
if GOD so love the world and us, why didn't he send his beloved son again to save us until doomsday? so he wanna see our pathetic faces filled with guilt and other rubbish?

the thing is. i don't really care so i'm just randomly typing. cos apparently quite alot of INNOCENT people died in natural disaster.

and here's the main dish of the meal! you know why hamsters so cute?
well its mainly because of the tiny size. you will definitely not say a hamster that is 10foot long and 200kg heavy cute right? so apparently japanese understood this theory so they have this word called 'kawaii' which means cute AND small/tiny. i guess the japs are smart afterall.

Friday, December 11, 2009

woah this is my 201 posts already and i dint realise it. time really flies doesn't it? i can already imagine if time was represented by a clock then it fly through every cities and countries and continents over and over again just to fufill its sad destiny, which is allowing time to be slow and steady but with no one but itself. i guess its pretty difficult to be a selfless hero like time. wonder has this clock been flying since time started.

so ironic. for me it is.

hmm these few days i've been wasting my life and time and watever there is in my life. i guess staying at home wasn't the idea of holiday at all. if it is, i won't be so bored to the extent that im blogging. hahas.. actually it ain't funny at all, just wanna type that.

kind of think about it now, how many people meant what they shoot out of their mouth? i bet its our human instinct to lie all the time. maybe god made us all hypocrites. hmm.. maybe.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

hais so hungry but nothing to eat. these few days keep eating maggi so i think i probably should really start eating some healthy food already.. but the only healthy food i can think of is sandwiches and salads so yeah.. screw the idea of eating healthy food.

Monday, December 7, 2009

today went for the philharmonic winds and natant or watever the band name is concert. its was a thai band. me and unagi was debating who was better in terms of skill until they played the guzheng-like instrument and the er hu-like instrument. cos it sounded so not modern so yeah... they cant really be compared with....... what a waste of breathe... and saliva.

wonder if this is what they call, think before you speak.

the overall performance for the concert was not bad, though it cant be compared to nakamura girls. they totally rocked man. this time im not wasting my time and energy comparing or rather i am wasting my time comparing.. ZZZzzz. cos nakamura girls are just too good..
damn.. gotta think before i type my next sentence...

tthen l8r i went with unagi to sit swing then we counted stars. at first , there were 8 i think, then 13, 15, 22, 31, 40!!! they just slowly shine brighter and brighter like they were fighting to see who shine brighter. well the 33th 1 won i guess, cos it really shines. when i say shines, it really means shines like a sun. though it cant really shine like a sun. and although sun is after all a star., it still din't and cant shine like the sun... weird...

everything seems so weird now, maybe i should just go watch some animes to refresh my mind instead. btw vampire diaries rox!! go watch!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

wah din't know my blog so popular... guess its tough being so popular man... is this God's punishment on me being so good to others? popularity my punishment? hais... weird punishment..

btw lets get to the main part already. today. morning. had fun with computer games. during the game, a baka gal called ee leng msg me this, your instrument got problem com down now. i cant believed i actually believed it even for a moment. actually i din't really believed her so i smsed back that i checked before and its working fine. she insisted on me going back to school, stating that the sensei is furious.

i.. i... this is the main part of the story.... and the thing which im trying to say is that.. NEVER EVER MEVER TEVER CEVER EVER EVER trust non-hamsters lovers. cos all they wanna do is to... cheat your feelings.. like how they did to mine..

so here's the most exciting part of the whole thing. i mustered up my courage and confronted all fears that opposes me and open the door and stepped into the auditorium. the feeling those bakas give me was like.. " you freaking jackass!" i .. i...... was speechless.... i was totally overwhelmed by my trust towards them .. arghh!!!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

BAKA HAMSTERS..wasted 50 mins of my life just like that. went missing for 2 days and was hiding behind a cabinet which i thought they wouldn't cos it seems impossible. well never ever under estimate hamsters man. the moment i put that bastard in the cage it came out the next second and i finally know how the heck they climb out. cos its only 1 month plus old it could get out from the front door. so to it, the front door is always open. zzzzz.. really this time they outsmart me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

bloody CHIBIS. they freaking cancelled out TERMINATOR : SARAH CONNER CHRONICLES season 3!! screw those freaking bastards man. they made third season so freaking exciting and awesome and now what? you gonna tell me that there ain't a freaking third season??????!!!!! don screw around with real fans here man.

FINALLY when i get to see kyle reese ALIVE after the first freaking movie and now you gonna kill him by cancelling the freeaking season out. and that cameron, she's finally acting as a human and now you gonna make every1 think thats she is just a freaking machine! URGHHHH!.

right now i could really kill someone. if God exist, i have only a favor now and that is, stop freaking making people trying to kill fans like me man. good shows like this suppose to be maintained and carry on producing more. right now in this industry, there's more quantity when actually what we want is quality. freaking jackass hope you guys seriously burn in hell for eternity.

so much for the part where there will be rewards for those who does great stuff. all im see-ing now is just bull, total bull.