Wednesday, October 21, 2009

screw exams~~ lalala..

Sunday, October 18, 2009

school holidays ain't really that fun afterall. haha although the holidays haven really started but due to circumstances, i got a 6 day break and today is mine 4th day. the only thing that i does which i like is that i get to use com overnight until like today 4am then i slept. watching movies are like so fun. everytime its a different story and adventure. hmm. sometimes i really wished that i'm one of them so i could really get out of my boring life.

currently my dream, is to not stay in singapore. hahas. singapore is a nice and good place but just doesn't suits me at all. i need a real adventure. maybe ill migrate to countries like perth. if i could lol. so my dream now, work hard work hard and work hard until i got enough money to settle down in perth and stay there for the rest of my life. to me, anywhere but singapore is an adventure hahs.

gonna buy cage l8r and this time, im not gonna be a stupid fool and buy a cheap 1. gonna buy a 90 or 80 bucks 1 so i can stop worrying bout my hamsters wasting their life inside a stupid small cage.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

hmm.. exams finally over. but. i got nothing to do now. maybe ill go work. or rather i want to work and earn some cash man.. its really amazing that i started with 2 hamsters and 4 months later ended up with 17. should had separated them a long time ago... zz. now.. regret but useless.

those who wan hamster please tell me. my hamsters are really cute.

aside from hamsters now i've been watching mask rider... lols.. sounds stupid but at least i got something to do. maybe ill go swimming every weekend and cycle or rollerblade also. but the most important part i have to get a job to buy a big big cage and hong kong trip expenses. oh yeah i gonna dye hair. wat colour suits me? ..

anyone who reads this please go watch on youtube. mask rider decade. real awesome. trust me its not really that childish.

tomorrow. wait. its today! last day of exam before i can enjoy without any regrets! i gotta admit this is the only exam which i really studied for. all im asking for is a passing grade nothing out of my reach.

hmm.. wonder what am i going to do for my holidays. there's a chalet or maybe two. but still i wanna work and buy some stuff for myself. oh yeah. there's hong kong trip. have to save up. maybe ill work for a few days and buy a decent hamster cage and save the rest for my expenses at hong kong. wished we were staying at hotel instead of hostel man.. hostel is like.. wth.. paid so much dunno for wat. all cos of transporting some metals must pay so much zzz.
have to admit that hamsters are real horny man. today afternoon they gave birth again and the mother is like her mother, giving birth at 1 month old. although their lifespan is short but they really shouldn't rush into such things. still having a hamster might be fun but i really want a DOG! hope i can get all passing grades for my exams so i can play in peace before studying for THE Os.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

its been a long while since i posted any stuff. anyway my blog aint popular so im like practically talking to myself for months. rather weird and stupid isn't it? hahas.. life is so boring.. especially school life IN SINGAPORE... sometimes i wish i could live in america or australia. seems fun over there. singapore is just too small for everything to be done. anyways. chalet coming. yeah.. cheers... but.. still got 4 more days of exam to go. damn.

A maths and bio is my only worries now. well bio i had a whole day to study on monday while A maths i got weekends! woohoo. this time sure can pass all subjects man.
today geog is like wtf? so much things to be tested keep testing on same stuff over and over again. wonder why did i even bothered studying until 1 am. Emaths ... damn that congruent and similar triangles man. screw it. totally forgotten to study that part.. zzz. nvm at least i can focus on bio and A maths now.
HOPE ALL GET GOOD GRADES MAN.. btw taylor swift and hilary duff rox.
i might just become a fan of hilary duff. hahas.