Sunday, March 7, 2010

1 week gonna past and im still thinking over what happened a week ago. it seems so yesterday-ish you know? guess what? tmr i gonna extract another 2 of my teeth again. zzz. well good news is im wearing braces soon. im kind of waiting for the moment for quite a while already. somehow i dunno why. im suppose to wear them at jan by right but my mum postponed those appointments 2 months l8r so now its finally here. a week more.

sometimes, i really wish that time could just slow down to the extent that you literally get to enjoy every single second with you knowing it. not like now, me typing a post costs a min of my life already. when i was young, i remembered how i wished that a day could have 48 hours. then i think, i had to go to school twice a day??? no thanks.. then i adjusted, ho about 36 hours? hmm i really like that. but kind of think about it, a day having to go school twice is kinda awesome, plus i will have lots of time to do watver crap i wanna do.
tmr is a big day. but, to me, its just another ordinary special day of my life.