Sunday, January 31, 2010

first time im like posting photos.
there's still like more phots with those indo exchange students but cant find yet.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

yesterday went to changi airport. was very exciting cos the first time i went i dint really have time to explore around like Dora the explorer and yesterday i did. went to candy empire and bought some freaking awesome chocolate. its 1 for 3bucks and 4 for 10 bucks so i couldn't resist the temptation as the chocolates were like talking to me? begging me to buy them? fortunately in airport, there weren't gst so its like 4 for 9.35bucks instead of 10bucks. so in the end i felt that i really made the right choice afterall.

then l8r we went for the bbtea shop nearby and the unagi bought i think some chocolate weird drink and i bought vanilla snow shake. at first it tasted all right and awesome but l8r i somehow remembered where i tasted it before. then before i realized its actually oatmeal.. but in the end due to my first time, i drank it all up in seconds. i mean mins.

oh yeah. here's the part where i tell you how the unagi framed me despite me helping him.
okay we were like in the food court eating. after band. it was around 5+ when we ordered food then after we ate we talk nonsensical stuff which people referred as rubbish. until he receive messages then i told him that he should really go now as he replied to his friends that he was on his way when he is still like hmm. eating? then we took 410 GGREEENNN home and went home to do stuff before meeting up to go changi airport again. then when i met with him he received a call. it was lucius, our friend which we intended to send him off. he picked up the phone. "eh where are you guys?" said unagi. lucius replied," #A#$%#^A4" i got exactly no idea what he said so those weird signs were a replacement. then unagi replied," i was waiting for KC SAMA" then i was like... NANDESKA?

zzzzz but it was a trip that is worth it. in my point of view i think lucius look more like an austrialian already. no longer look like singaporean.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

lately. homework. homework. tests. rubbish. keep coming into my tiny little life. well obviously i cant handle stuff so im typing here.. CCa is taking up 2 much of my time. the thing is i dont even know if band was the thing for me from the start, afterall i joined band purely by fate. so here's the part where this question pop into my head.

if fate playing trick on me?
obviously i don't have the answer yet but i really do hope that i have that answer fast.
chingay is ending in another 4 or 5 more times so im alright with it. cos for the first time i get to "tour" around singapore for a good purpose, to help.
if only a day has 28hours instead of 24. that extra 4 hours is gonna be a real help to me.
okay i going tution now.

btw. i hate pms/menopause ppl !

oh yeah there is like 2 new taylor swift songs. today was a fairy tale, missing you. i think if add jump then fall, the other side of the door, untouchable, superstar and the acoustic and piano vers of the old songs, a new album could be made. easy money.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

i think my chinese is much better now. well i had to admit my chinese teacher is the only 1 in the school which i respect as a teacher. cos the thing is, all the others though have be it 100years or 200 years of experience, they do not know how to teach what the students want to learn. im not saying that my chinese teacher is teaching out of syllabus but its just that she teaches what is important and in a unique way. plus, she really did spend lots of time preparing for them. most importantly, teaching to her is an enjoyment.

others , they are just teaching to get good grades for us and my freaking A maths teacher is constantly telling us to drop A maths when her job is the otherwise. teachers and students definitely should not widen the gap between them as if they do, the understanding is so much harder. though the gap should be close up, but not to the extent that it makes teachers and students good buddies.

lately homework 2 much. actually its not alot just that everyday have remedials and redundant CCas.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

lol i actually forgotten bout my first sis bday.. which is today.. zzz. it was like so awkward lor. she and her bf was like carrying a cake then we went up into the same lift. then the bf say. "got cake wan eat? today your bday." i... really was slow and after she went to bathe then i ask her bf. then i was like so ps... ZZZZzz

so now im like thinking of buying her present but what came into my mind was. soft toys? obviously that isn't a good present... maybe ill go shop around eh not j8?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

bloody hell. my computer getting crazy now. those freaking self proclaimed"com fixer" are mofos man. they din't really fix it to the original condition. my com is still crazy. internet din't work just now until i fixed it after half an hour. wasted my life. ...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

com crash and now it's up again. beside fixing the com, the fixer or whatever increase my com's ram and memory and everything, making it so fast now. its like a new com but bought with 100+bucks only. what a deal. so here's the conclusion, my com is no longer the com i had 6 years ago, its new now. it dominates and owns and whatever..

today had a really bad day. i was stuck at C** house for like 3hours 20mins. i wanted to left at 6pm but was reluctantly forced to stay until the dinner was served. what is worse is that the dinner was served at 8.30 when it was suppose to be at 7.30. at least i watch tv at his house for an hour. and the reason why i was forced to stay? cos i unknowingly said yes to dinner when the mum asked me.
its pretty had to be the good guy sometimes, isn't it?

Friday, January 1, 2010

somehow. my com got a bit of problem. the shockwave player keep crashing. resulting in me getting a tiny little bit annoyed. so here's the story why im only a tiny little bit annoyed instead of being annoyed like SIAOZ.

last time. my come. everytime keep getting virus. cos i kept download songs and games and other stuff so on and on. i remembered its because of the freaking stupid sour programme. its called the limewire. pretty ironic name for it. cos how can a lime have a wire>? then my com begin lagging like a total retard. i need like freaking 20mins to start the system????!!

well lets not probe over the past. its a new year afterall. and my stupid hamster keep running out. just now i put back inside and 10s l8r its out. so i always wondered whether are animals even stupid in the first place? or are we humans jsut plain stupid. what kind of idiot am i? now there's a problem. there aren't different kinds of idiots to begin with...

as usual the no-life bishan dudes like me went BISHAN to countdown for new year..i wanted to go marina bay and watch fireworks then i remmebered. im not the only 1 wanna watch fireworks. meaning i would probably take 1 min to walk 1 step. so we ended up playing cards and fire? in playground? yup we did.

and here's the part where i ask you a very interesting question. do you even exceed 30missed calls in a month? well my dear childish hopeless stupid idiotic piggish fren had 50missed call in just 2 hours. amazing isn't him? i need to like IGNORE 50 calls to get 50miss calls but he jsut need to sleep for 2 hours. such a lucky idiot.