Tuesday, July 28, 2009

there is afterall equivalent trade on this world.... for the sake of escaping boring tunes of music for 1 and a half hour, i suffered with nuisiance rubbish that cost my only episode in learning how to score for TALKING in exams.

somehow i just capitalised the talking word. it really doesn't have any further meaning.. really..
wonder why the heck am i able to speak and write english so fluently when i am a freaking chinese singaporean which have difficulty explaining simple words. maybe thats the singapore trend afterall.............

dreams seems so far.. yet so reachable ... so nostalgic..

Monday, July 27, 2009

pokemon is beggining to become real lame i think. i THINK. haha... friends told me that the current version of pokemon aint good anymore due to the gameplay and other sort of stuff. still its probably the one and current game that i will acknoledge that is worth playing after few years. current me is still playing lols..

rather fun... seriously..

tmr got SS test. hope she seriously WILL MARK THIS FREAKING TEST AND NOT SAY SOME RUBBISH LIKE" I READ THROUGH YOUR ANSWERS AND MOST OF YOU DID NOT DO WELL" then she will say "WE GOING TO HAVE A RETEST ON BLAH BLAH DAY" i will seriosuly be pissed off once again. hope she just stop ruining out our studies and screw off to her hometown.

hais.. looks like saving money is rather hard cos of food.... double fillet o fish. shaker fries.. zz

Sunday, July 26, 2009

exams coming.. stilll nt prepared yet. bio, maths, chem NOT YET FINISHED

omg.. hope can make i through this exam and studfy for eoy already.

watching a very dumb magic show buy the magic is real high class .

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

TMR IS THE FREAKING SOLAR ECLIPSE!! ONCE YOU MISSED IT MEANS THAT"S IT YOU KNOW??? thats why i don plan on going to school. due to the good view of the SUN from my block. I CAN PRACTICALLY see it cos there aint anything taller than 5 stories in like 1km infront of my block in the direction facing the sun. incredible view indeed.

except the part where i do not have a telescope.. damn... if i can have a telescope and a proper MC for tmr, i will sacrifice 5 yrs of my life. not joking really.. be it a trade with devil or tooth angel.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

still got half of bio chapter to go. hope the world don ends at 2012 but have a drastic change instead. like more forest more ocean and the north pole and south pole's temperature decreases and the ozone layer recover and no more global warming and kills all those faggot humans who are destroying the earth. i wonder if none of these would happen if the human population aint this much.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

lots of things i want now. a touch screen phone, jeans, shirt, classical guitar, violin and a freaking three storey cage for my hamsters.

mathematics is a pain in the ass man. test coming up 1 after another hais... sad life indeed.

Friday, July 10, 2009

so much homework.. and can hardly keep up with a maths omfg.. think go tution for the nxt 2 months should be safed le.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

morning internet went crazy and no connection at all. somehow its working now. ended up using laptop in morning.

Monday, July 6, 2009

damn.. i spent like 5 horus plus watching this anime... nodame cantabile. interesting anime. definitely worth watching it. go or to watch it man. both websites are great.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

sianz tution..... its helpful but the tought of it ruins the day practically.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

damn h1n1 is such a loser. there's only 701 cases now??? wth.. its suppose to be some epidermic where alot of lives were taken and now 281 patients already fully recovered. its like wth.. was expecting something more than this. if there's another loser epidermic like this we will always treat it lightly and till an extent that we will even treat it as a joke..

hmm. now naruto and bleach is finally moving on to the more exciting part. FINALLY.