Tuesday, June 30, 2009

today escaped from the evil clutches of biology. due to the life skills workshop. kinda fun, at least i know its definitely ebtter than having stupid meaningless lessons throughout the day. tmr gonna end at 2.25 again i guess. today ended at 1.15pm.

got tons of hwmk to do cos i din finis my holiday hwmk. or rather i found them yesterday in my blue file which i din touch until yesterday. left a bit of bio and chinese. thats all. but chinese need to write 2 compos and 1 new paper article. i hate newspaper article..

just finished cleaning my hamster cage. was fun. wonder why do hamsters run away the moment the are let out of the cage and have no intentions of returning back. hope they feel cleaner now with the cage. still saving money for the 52 bucks cage i saw in j8. i currently have 24 bucks only.. thats 28bucks more. woah.. think i need to save real fast before they die in that boring cage.

Monday, June 29, 2009

cant believe i done my chemisty hwk just nw. its 2 common test papers. surprisingly and stupid both papers have plentty of similar question so.. ya quite easy. no way its more difficult than my freaking commom test.

today my school hired some low budget workers. i guess they are paid 3 bucks per hour or something. they painted the walls like real amatuer . i don really care bout the walls although it made me feel so... weird. the school its like blue and white now. so lifeless....
nw back to the main point. the school budget till the extend that the paint it looks like cheap ones and best of all, its not even odourless! oh such thoughtful principal, saving for the harsh winter when i doubt its ever coming at all. foolish people indeed.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

the new avatar movie is coming out. its great . it should be. if not for the freaking retarded faggot they using for the main character. its like wth?? the face is pure stupid, its like telling me that the whole animated series of avatar is just rubbish due to the movie. i dunno why but thats wat i feel bout it.

see his freaking retarded face here.
that website was great until losers directed movies with faggot characters.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

5 days since i posted any stuff. got my own hamster 2 days ago. one is slightly fatter than the other but both look real tiny to me. their babies afterall. just let them run about my room but they seems to like to hide from me which is impossible.. eating dust was one of the thing i saw them doing most.... wonder why. and i cant believe they slept in their hiding places and im like forced to get them out of there and put them back into the cage for a better rest. phew* was rather tough.

just found out 1 meaningful thing.

Do you know the relation between your 2 eyes? They blink together, move together, cry together, see things together & sleep together but they never see each other.

Monday, June 22, 2009

today went 'swimming'. at jurong east. the trip there was great as i was filled with excitement every singl;e minute. though the standing in the mrt train for 41mins was tough.

chinese garden hmmm i always thought the swimming thing is at jurong east mrt since its called jurong swimming complex or watever.

and as soon as we saw the notice board, it says MONDAY : CLOSED

had a great day dying to zombies instead. virtually of cos

Friday, June 19, 2009

just became a pirate. Publish Postleft eye spoil.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

noodles still the best. at least you get to suck them when you cant chew. mixed rice is so random, no particular meaning to it.

rollerblade till got blister.. pain..........
haven done any hols homework yet, waiting for the day to come where ill do them. though i doubt that day would come. chem tution not bad, e maths tution much better. though both still inexperience but still can make it.
really want to watch terminator salvation but cant find time somehow. or rather no money.. haven got my stupid pay yet from the retarded boss. she should just drop dead man.

Monday, June 15, 2009

wasted one whole lday playing computer games and sleeping. life's getting boring afterall.

Friday, June 12, 2009

today watch monster vs alien. kinda stupid show but i watched for the 3D part not for the story line. damn the 3D specs aint comfortable wearing cos its way too heavy though its not green and red anymore during spy kids 3D. they have like idiots camping outside of the damn cinema cos they got freakiong low budget and must collect back the specs.

this time the 3D effects are more and better.

Monday, June 8, 2009

hmm looks like miley singing improve by a great lot since i heard her song. just watched hannah montana and taylo swift was in that movie for like around a min to sing crazier. she got some nice eyes i must say.

living two lives must be real difficult but why in the world did you even created another half? its your life so live it in your own way, not others.

Friday, June 5, 2009

yesterday bought new clothes. that jeans was awesome. bugis street is still the best for shopping

nice stuff at cheap prices. though some were real ex like 70+ pants.. but i have to admit that that 70+ pants looks real good.

new clothes in my closet, what will happen to the old ones? my answer is : dunno..