Tuesday, April 28, 2009

ending was kind of unexpected as i thought there wont be any ending then the next day or week they use first few mins of 9am show to show it to erveryone cos recently they ask us to vote din they? think either it never went off or they are just way too impatient.. but hmm.. seriously i don think thats the ideal ending even if ah wu wins... the taji skill was defintely unexpected.. but anyone awesome show but stupid pathetic number of episodes...

CA coming!!!!! must study real hard if i don wan teachers to complain to my parents like dogs..-. lols pardon my rudeness lol.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

watching naruto shippuuden movie now. loading was rather fast and quality is good. was watching halfway then my internet explorer suddenly disappear............ when i was actually watching an exciting part.... 

damn.. table tennis is just awesome... theres no limit to how you can play and enjoy it..

just ate some disgusting mee hoon goreng which costs 3 bucks. the teh-tarik was..... perhaps they should just sell instant noodles instead of selling some things which they cant cook properly.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

table tennis rock big time man.. played like 2+hours just now. sort of crazy to play till 1am+ afterall.

today had band and the idiotic conductor praise me 2 much till i seriously must go toliet for around 20mins to get the pai seh feeling rid of me...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

din't actually wanted to post cos i had already 123 posts which i think is a nice number.. tommorrow got bio test but i aint prepared at all. think ill pass if they ask me stupid stuffs like functions and label the organs and parts all these. cos i only studied them... anyways saturday gonna study whole day. think i need o get bio and geog done by saturday . others can wait.

today had chinese test and should be able to pass... was defintely easier than the previous one.

screw the stupid script writer of table of glory.. damn retarded.. such nice show then ending already?? last 3 episodes? don screw around man. unless you tell me there gonna be season 2 which is unlikely as there has not been any info yet . if not you freaking retard should just die.

bleach dragging like hell... talk so long.. get into some action already! naruto new movie , bonds came out but its raww and uploaded by mega video idiots.. you don even get to watch the whole damn movie if you don sign up which coss money. wonder if they know tat tonnes of people already trying to screw them to the other universe.
one of the longest post i had so far.

Monday, April 20, 2009

wooo bought my new head set. small and comfortable. got connector also. think 59 bucks was definitely worth. using it now. cant wait till i finish using com and lie on bed and start using it already lol.. now i can finally study in peace, rather weird word to use but yea, true in a way.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

ytd watched 17 again again.. lols nice show.. the comedy part is rather creative and smth new too. but 1 thing is that we dint really sat at our allocated seats but from LAST row moved to like fifth row or fourth row or sixth row. forgotten already... as usual the crowd laughed yeah, but first time i watched the other crowd laughed some parts which the last night's batch din and yea vice versa or watever.

suppose to study today . i will if possible. hahas.

Monday, April 13, 2009

im like so dead~ i slept with my factured arm facing upwards.. meaning im screwed.. i dunno how long i slept with that position of my arm and i only felt pain when i woke up.... damn..

ppl tends to change don they?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

great day today! except for the drizzling part though... finally manage to reboot my com and all the usesless, irritating, insignificant, ridiculous, retarded, annoying virus is gone at last phew~
though all the stuff is gone but its alright. installing and updating my com like crazy now.

life seems to be so much better with a better com.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

omg... ytd slept from 6 till next morning.. missed my damn dinner and show.. sleeping sux afterall..

Thursday, April 9, 2009

today was totally boring............. end so early don seems to be a good thing afterall.. hwk don seems to be a right time so hmm eally dunno wat to do at all.

boring life sians

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

tmr going to see the bone doctor.. have no clue whats the proper name and i dont really care -.- money suckes don deserve my respect hahas... hmm can skip cme ss test chinese remedial woots! but still need to go school until 1.50 ...

life seems so boring with a hand only.. saddened... and again

Sunday, April 5, 2009

think im getting used to my handicapped life already. haha.. my typing speed sort of fastened in a way. done all my elearning finally though mostly is just pure guess. blah who cares.. they should be real grateful i handed my assignment up seriously. left 1 printing bio assignment but my printer sort of spoil so screw it man.

hais life's been boring though... hwk and hwk and ca1 is coming in a months time... my hand cant seems to adapt to my last time studying style. still thinking how am i going to study hmmm..

Saturday, April 4, 2009

looks like chinese sin sei is despised by western docs afterall... hais.. wed must go for a'proper' cfheck up according to them. bet they just want to take my money.. hahas.

today was real boring.. coulnt find anything fun to waste my time.. perhaps i should do more of handicapped stuff cos you don get to be a handicapped everytime do you? some cant even be one forever. anyway who wants to become a handicapped.. nutcase ppl..