Monday, February 23, 2009

today ss quiz was lol.... open book.. but dammit.. she wants another quiz tommorrow a non open book 1 buyt bleh~ doubt it can get to anywhere.. geog quiz was another giveaway...

today sort of ended welll except for the sweeping part -.-... but at least i understood maths lesson once.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

yawns* once again... today suppose to go practise with frens but ended up slping due to the stupid awesome weather... damn it.. it rained so heavily tat the temperature is so low till i fell asleep when i just laid down on my bed.. stupud weather indeed -.-"

tommorrow might have ss test but screw it... i got like quiz and test on ss everyweek?? nonsense indeed.. arghhhh screw studies man..

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

yawns* once again... school sux afterall... meaningless and waste of my precious time.. stupid cher anyhow call ppl parent.. damn her to 18th level of helll man... wats her pms prob man..

today recruit band played foundation of performance and the conductor came late. stupid bryan went off so early .. band was rather way too draggy today. end like 6.30? its like wth?

maths sux!

Monday, February 16, 2009

yawns* cant sleep anymore.. sleep too much during the day. using com as usual lalala~

Friday, February 13, 2009

yes! finally got a music phone.. though its a old version phone but at least i can listen to music which is really an awesome thing... after having like weeks without a phone tat can lay music.. i was about to bored to death... life doesnt seems to go well if music aint there at all hahas..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

today english class was bored to tears.. i ended up drawing with my left hand and writing abcs all over and over again. quite a challenge but fun hahas..

yawns* sleepy~ stupid ss test tmr.. screw it man.. waste of my time..

Sunday, February 8, 2009

omg slpt till now... bad bad.. wasted a hell lot of my time.. zz

Saturday, February 7, 2009

lol cooking my first porridge but think i screwd it up badly like a fool.. i sort of scoop way too much rice.. arghh... my dinner.... its gone i gues.. trying to salvage the stupid porrigde now -.- hope it can at least be edible hahas..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

today was boring but still great hahas.. dying of song addiction!~ hope my phone could like seriously be fix tmr? or asap .. dammit feels so retarded without songs.. country ones especially lols..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

yawns* tired!!!!!!!!!! today so boring at schooL!!! zzzzz contacts was awesome though a transarent one would be a much more convenient hahas.. tmr got band.. sectionals... gonna be a boring one i swear..