Saturday, November 29, 2008

got a schedule for me to eat my left over lollipops. hopefully wont get addicted to it haha.. shld i buy my own guitar or wat? cos at home guitar might really help to kill my boredness but i need scores.. lost my band file .. worse thing that could happen. serves me right for anyhow putting my things round the whole house.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

think i soon gonna be addicted to 'lollipops' le.. nvm left 7-8 sticks of them only.. finish them and end it once and for all wahaha.. see my frens one by one sinking but i cant help them.. they feel regretful but no one wanna help.. i feel so bad.... maybe i should form a stupid organisation for lollipopers afterall,.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

sot of found of my sec sch life goal already. working towards it tmr. hopefully it will work out somehow.. kinda scared.. feeling of rejected cos i got 0 hope on myself anyway.. brought back y trumpet, buzzing fever man.. 30 mins of buzz keeps a sucky sound produced by your trumpet away, ever heard of that? well you just did.

Monday, November 24, 2008

finally.. i watched hollow man.. fkinbg retarded show which took me so fking long and so much trouble... and the show didnt even meet my expectations. not insulting the show but cos after wat it put me through.. ... arghh..

Sunday, November 23, 2008

got a stupid friend who broke with her girl friend thrice and patched up twice.. guess wat? he initiated all of them. kinda retarded. the gal wasnt taht bad. guess is his loss afterall. but mainly becasue by peers they broke. dying to watch movies.. sci fic ones.

Friday, November 21, 2008

learning guitar nxt week, kinda excited cos i sort of decided that my ambition shall be a musician . music came to my life like a fallen angel to save me from the boredness of studies lol.. mastering guitar shall be my current goal and nxt shall be piano i hope. mum rejected me learning piano once but i nvr told he guitar and anyway im learning form my fren's mum who stay the opposite side of the road of my blk so i don think she will reject. pops will heck cos i guess he thinks is good for me to have a goal afterall. hahas

Thursday, November 20, 2008

found out my sis blog lol.. and the funny thing is that she likess the same female artist as me.. just like our birthday is the same day though 2 yrs apart in age.. ... no more job anymore.. was sacked in a rather ironic way.. stupid boss wan adults to do the work instead of kids like me .. idiotic ah.. anyway band camp was totally cool .

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

just came back from the camp.. awesome camp and i only slept abit. retarded thing is taht when i came back i slp from 10 - 6... wasted a hell lot of my time!

Monday, November 17, 2008

today went for work again. kinda retarded, being a postman. tot it was going to be an easier job.. must walk and walk just to find a block and put the leaflets in the letter box only to found out that those idiots locked them and i've wasted time once again.

my fav female artist. try out her songs.

finding songs to make my blog better. hopefully i can do it man cos currently i think it kinda suck.. don even have a proper chatbox.. retarded blog .. tmr working and play badminton with frens and they clash so no choice but half half.. tough decision.. but worth it.

Friday, November 14, 2008

zz lent my fren my psp and now im so sian... life is definitely different without a psp huh.. 'looking forawrd' to my up-coming camp. hopefully it gonna be a good camp if not hais.. gotta say they really suck man.. bleh. mum rushing me to clear off my unwanted stuff but i too lazy.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

just read finish a book called time of the eagle. kinda meaningful. eagle = freedom.. hmm.. rther intersting huh? you guys shld try reading that book man. btw that is a second series. first series is called secret scaredment or smth. blah.. 18-19 got another camp. good thing bout it is taht is all games.

Monday, November 10, 2008

just came back from chalet. kinda fun though small... at night if wanna slp have to squeeze like some idiot.. learnt how to play mahjong.. finally.. cos its like the only gambling stuff which i don know other then cards. went outside the red house, kinda spooky. but in the day is just like some ordinary house. arghh i swear i wan to go in man..

Thursday, November 6, 2008

today lost to primary school kids .. joke ah? they suck yet they win, anyway im trying my best not to be a sore.. kinda hard huh? tmr chalet, don feel like going! yesterday camp and today competition already tired me up totally! wat shld i do????!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

just came bak from camp. i din expected to learn taht much till the camp was over. first day was kinda awkward cos you gotta make new frens if not you will be cast aside. on the first day i wish like hell taht the camp would soon be over. but later days of the camp make my thinking otherwise. i could see friendship and determination, very strong ones. something which you cant see during a normal day or even in school but only when we are all togather, having fun. awesome camp!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

tomrw yog camp.. kinda excited.. always hated the day before any camp or chalet, cant seems to get slp l8r in the night and then fearing taht might be late if nvr get enuff slp.. argh.. life is full of obstacles i see.. i knew god wont be so good to me after all. putting nco camp and yog camp+competition together. maybe i shldnt ponder bout the past anymore. hope i recoo the right guy to revive the cca back

Saturday, November 1, 2008

today watched the eye at my fren's hse. surprisingly, though second horror movie i've watched, i don find it scary.. i expcted the show saw, the be some spirit thingy show but ended up being a sort of like csi movie.. joke.. ppl giving me comments bout the chalet and that it will suck huh.. guess i just have to try to think of smth else then..